Basic Equine First Aid Kit
Most horse owners have certain medications/supplies they won’t be caught without. Following is a suggested list to cover most needs until the veterinarian arrives. This would make a great gift for a new horse owner!
- Stethoscope
- Thermometer
- Watch
- Flash light
- Bandage Scissors
- Dose syringe
- Spare halter and lead
Bandaging supplies:
- Pack of gauze square (4X4’s)
- Non stick pads
- Stretch gauze rolls
- Sheet cotton
- Standing wraps and bandages
- Vet wrap
- Elastikon
- Roll cotton
- One dose of Banamine or buscopam-call 1st
- Triple antibiotic or SSD ointment
- Bute paste, powder or tabs
- Epsom salt
- Mastitis cream syringe
- Eye wash
- Desitin
Other supplies:
- Surgical scrub: Nolvasan or similar
- Saline spray
- Gloves
- Poultice
Hoof care:
- Duct tape
- Soaking boots such as a “Davis Blue Boot”
- Items to pull a shoe: Rasp and Pull offs
- Animalintex poultice pads